Post Hike #82: Anthony Creek, Albright Grove, AT, Twentymile, Wolf Ridge
I awoke at 0420, 25 min. earlier than intended. Although I am certain that my Airedale Terrier Winston heard me, my wife didn’t even hear the garage door. In part to decrease Winston’s attention, I chose to eat at the Hardies within a few hundred yards of our 0600 meet-up point; because of their price and quality, I will find excuses to eat breakfasts there again. By 0600 those doing this hike (Leslie Toney, Richard Ryburn, Vicki Watkins, Charlie and I were ready to leave in Ellie Doughty’s van. Ellie, along with 6-8 in other vehicles, had chosen to do the first two trails (500 & 1800 ft. of gain) and then loop back to their vehicles.
This was Charlie Woodward’s last hike for qualification for The 900 Miler Association; it was Anthony Creek—1.6, Russell Field—3.5, AT from (a) Russell Field Shelter to Doe Knob—6.4 and (b) the section that Charlie needed to complete his map, Doe Knob to Twentymile—3.1, Twentymile—2.6, and Wolf Ridge—0.5. In part because (1) Charlie’s quest has been beset with more obstacles than those most faced and (2) this hike was somewhat onerous and less likely to draw hikers, I volunteered.
We started at 0700 and I finished Anthony Creek at 0733; started Russell Field at 0735 and I finished it at 0855. Despite pushing to get an aerobic workout I never got my pulse above 144; because I had a similar experience on Mt. Sterling last week but got my HR to a comfortable 154 the week before on Sugarlands Trail, possibly my lifting weights too late in the evening before these last two hikes was the reason (need to research this more). Met a through hiker at the Russell Field shelter at the junction of the AT; he advised us of bears on the AT. The picture that Teresa took includes some of the loop hikers and most who completed the hike with Charlie; from left to right are Leslie, Emma, Charlie, Ellie, Jane, Vicki, Lloyd, and me.
The rest of the hike was mostly downhill. Richard was having knee problems so I hiked with him; he is (1) taking over the scheduling for me when I go to France and (2) is a very sharp guy who often has answers to some of the problems that I have (this time it was relative to one of my lawn mowers and the consideration of switching to a heat pump and using lake water as a coolant). In the last section of the AT I thought that I better check with Charlie, Vicki, and Leslie to ensure that Bob Bolinger would be there to take Charlie’s picture when he finished at the Twentymile Trail junction. As I approached Leslie, she and Vicki were in deep discussion and did not hear me. Not sure what possessed me but I let out my best impression of a bear growl; Leslie let out a blood curdling shriek! When we got to the trail junction, Bob, Janetta Baker, and Amy Howe (who hiked in from the Twentymile Ranger Station, our option 3 for hikes honoring Charlie’s achievement) were there.
Those that hiked this 3.1 mi. section of the AT (the only miles that Charlie needed out of the 19.6 mi. hiked) are in this picture. From left to right it is me, my dear friend Leslie, Charlie, Vicki, Richard.
We reached Twentymile Ranger Station close to 1700; Charlie’s wife (and mother-in-law) were there with a big cake and sodas. This really hit the spot! I chose not to ride in the same vehicle as Leslie on the way back; it’s a good thing that I’ll be out of the country for a little while, perhaps when I return Leslie will have forgiven me. Arrived at Food Lion at 1850; I sped off to a meeting at Messiah Lutheran Church in Knoxville that started at 1900. Fortunately the agenda item for which I was responsible was a ways down the list.